Connecting Knowledge and Enhancing Lives


There are an astonishing number of individuals with neurological maladies who are relying on scientists to discover new treatments and opportunities for recovery. The prevalence of these conditions is what motivates scientists within Mission Connect, and worldwide, to push the boundaries of our knowledge forward.

Statistical Data on Neurotrauma
  • There are currently 5.3 million Americans living with a disability as a result of a traumatic brain injury.
  • There are 1.5 million new cases of traumatic brain injury every year in the United States.
  • Each year, more than 5 million others are affected with central nervous system damage due to stroke and other disorders and diseases.
  • Four million incidences of stroke are reported each year and of those, one third of the patients die and another third are permanently disabled.
  • Except for the Incomplete-Preserved motor (functional), no more than 0.9% spinal cord injured patients fully recover. 92% of all sports injuries to the spinal cord result in quadriplegia.
  • More than 250,000 Americans have spinal cord injuries. Of these, approximately 65% live with excruciating, chronic pain despite their loss of normal sensation and function.
  • The economic impact on communities and the cost of care in the United States for spinal cord injured patients exceeds $7.7 billion annually.
  • Fifty million Americans have permanent, neurological disabilities that limit their ability to perform daily tasks.
  • Globally, there are more than 2.5 million people living with spinal cord injury paralysis.

Within Mission Connect, knowledge in the areas of imaging, rodent modeling, biochemistry, cell regeneration, biomarkers, novel drug therapy, and stem cell transplantation merge in a cohesive effort to capture the most innovative and promising ideas in research and translate them for the benefit of mankind.